Hyperboria network

Bandura Communications

Cjdns implements an encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. This provides near-zero-configuration networking, and prevents many of the security and scalability issues that plague existing networks. https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns

Hyperboria uses cjdns to construct an end-to-end-encrypted ipv6 mesh network. Connections between nodes are established manually, and traffic is restricted to the resulting social graph. https://github.com/marek22k/hyperboria-peers

Cjdns is a kind of “predecessor” to Yggdrasil. Unlike Yggdrasil, in Cjdns there is no “guarantee” that you will reach your destination. One of the largest cjdns networks is called Hyperboria. Only three of our nodes are in the Cjdns network. Two of them are public:

p2p-router.de (hosted by NetCup; Nuremberg, Germany)

        "location":"Nuremberg, Germany; hosted by NetCup",
        "location":"Nuremberg, Germany; hosted by NetCup",

trolljaeger.mk16.de (hosted by August Internet; Kansas City)

        "location":"Kansas City, USA; hosted by August Internet",
        "location":"Kansas City, USA; hosted by August Internet",

If there is a problem with the Hyperboria peers, we would appreciate an email to hyperboria@mk16.de!